Interline Agreement Lufthansa Emirates

Interline Agreement Between Lufthansa and Emirates: Benefits and Impacts

Lufthansa and Emirates, two of the biggest airline companies in the world, have recently entered into an interline agreement. The interline agreement allows for a seamless connection between the two airlines, which provides a more convenient travel experience for passengers. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and impacts of the interline agreement between Lufthansa and Emirates.

What is an interline agreement?

An interline agreement is a partnership between two airlines that allows them to sell tickets that involve a connection between the two airlines. The two airlines agree to work together to provide a seamless travel experience for their passengers. The passengers can book their journey on one ticket, even if it includes flights on both airlines, and they can check their bags through to their final destination.

Benefits of the interline agreement

1. Increased Convenience for Passengers

One of the primary benefits of the interline agreement is the increased convenience for passengers. The agreement allows for a smooth connection between Lufthansa and Emirates flights, eliminating the need for passengers to book separate tickets and go through a potentially lengthy process of re-checking bags and going through immigration.

2. More Flight Options

The agreement also provides passengers with more flight options. With the partnership, Lufthansa and Emirates can offer a greater number of flights and destinations than they would be able to separately. This is especially beneficial for passengers traveling to destinations that are not served by either airline alone.

3. Better Customer Experience

Another benefit of the interline agreement is the improved customer experience. Passengers can enjoy seamless travel with minimal disruptions, and they have access to customer support from both airlines in case of any issues or concerns.

Impacts of the interline agreement

1. Increased Competition

The interline agreement between Lufthansa and Emirates is expected to increase competition in the airline industry. The partnership allows them to better compete against other airlines, especially those that offer connecting flights.

2. Boost in Revenue

The interline agreement is also expected to lead to a boost in revenue for both airlines. By offering more flight options and destinations, the partnership can attract more customers and increase ticket sales. This is especially true for travelers who prefer to book their entire itinerary with one airline.

3. Potential Changes

The interline agreement between Lufthansa and Emirates could potentially lead to other changes in the airline industry. For example, other airlines could form similar partnerships to compete, or the agreement could lead to the formation of a global airline alliance.


The interline agreement between Lufthansa and Emirates is a significant development in the airline industry. The partnership provides increased convenience, more flight options, and a better customer experience for passengers. Additionally, it is expected to increase competition and revenue for both airlines. It will be interesting to see how this partnership develops and if it leads to any further changes in the airline industry in the future.

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