Types of Employment Contracts in Kenya

When it comes to employment in Kenya, there are several types of contracts that employers and employees can agree upon. Each contract comes with its own set of benefits and responsibilities, and it`s important to understand the options available before signing any agreement.

1. Permanent Contracts

Permanent contracts are the most common type of employment contract in Kenya. In this type of agreement, employers offer a permanent position to employees, and they are entitled to all the benefits and protections that come with it. The employee is expected to work for the company indefinitely, and the employer is responsible for providing a safe working environment, paying the employee`s salary, and meeting other legal obligations.

2. Fixed-Term Contracts

Fixed-term contracts are a type of agreement in which the employee is hired for a specific period of time. For example, an employer may hire someone to cover a maternity leave or for a specific project with a set timeline. The employee and employer agree upon the duration of the contract at the beginning, and once it expires, the employee is no longer employed. This type of agreement can be renewed or terminated depending on the circumstances.

3. Casual Contracts

Casual contracts are agreements that are not permanent, and they are usually used when there is an irregular need for labor. For example, a company may require extra help during peak season or on an ad-hoc basis. Casual employees are not entitled to the same benefits as permanent employees, such as sick leave or paid time off. However, they are protected under the labor law and have the right to a safe working environment and fair wages.

4. Apprenticeship Contracts

Apprenticeship contracts are agreements between employers and employees where the employee is trained for a particular skill. This type of contract is common in industries such as construction, plumbing, and electrical work. The employee is usually paid a lower wage while they are in training, but once they complete the apprenticeship, they are considered skilled workers and are eligible for higher wages and benefits.

5. Probationary Contracts

Probationary contracts are agreements in which the employee is employed on a trial basis. This type of contract is usually offered to new employees to assess their suitability for the job. Probationary periods can vary depending on the company and the job, but they usually last between 3-6 months. During this time, the employee and employer have the opportunity to evaluate each other. If the employee meets the employer`s expectations, they are offered a permanent contract.

In conclusion, understanding the different types of employment contracts available in Kenya is essential for both employers and employees. Each agreement comes with its own set of benefits and responsibilities, and it`s important to choose the right type of contract that suits your needs. Employers must ensure that their contracts comply with labor laws, and employees should carefully read and understand their rights and obligations before signing any agreement.

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